Useful Information from A to Z
The Piccolino program is focused towards the individual needs of each child and seeks to create a warm, loving, home environment. As such, we have adobted a loose structure that provide some predicablity to the child's day but also allows us a great deal of flexibility. Below you will find additional information on our program, policies and facility. If you have additional questions or would like to see our faciltiy, please contact us directly.
For a additional information on parenting, clubs, daycares, etc, please see our Important Links page.
Hours of Operations
We are open Monday through Friday with regular hours between 8:00 am and 5:30 pm. We also offer an early-bird program starting after 7:00 am and extend pickup program up to 6:00 pm. Both of offer on a case-by-case basis and require prior consent. The facility is closed on all the Federal holidays. In addition, we have a one-week Winter Break between Christmas and New Years and an one-week Summer Break that typically falls the last week of July. Our Annual Calendar provides a list of holidays and schedule closures.
Typical Day
Schedules provide children with a sense of stability and security that they need early on in life. As a general policy, we believe that schedules and activities need to accommodate each child's daily needs; and therefore, should remain flexible. That's why we strive to provide a stable, predictable framework that adds structure to our daily routine while also leaving plenty of room for spontaneous and additional activities. For young infants, we work with parents to develop a feeding and napping schedule that both us can stay consist on. Take a look at our Typical Daliy Schedule.
Drop Offs & Pick Ups
In order to keep up with the general schedule and limit disruptions, we prefer that children are regularly dropped off prior to 10:30 am and picked up no early than 3:30. We discourage pickups and drop off between noon and 3 pm to limit disruptions to lunch and nap time. We’ll always accommodate requests but look to limit them to special occasions as apposed to a regular routine.
Outdoor Play
It’s important for children to have fresh air, explore new worlds and generally run around. Children will play outdoors as the weather permits. While we do some structure activates such as painting, drawing, games, as well as have some of our snacks outside, most of outdoor playtime is free play (see below). In addition to the permanent play toys and structures, we have variety of different toys that are setup from time-to-time such as water toys, pools, slides, tunnels, tents, etc , keep the outdoor playtime experience fun and new.
Indoor Play
We regularly practice a series of different indoor activities based on the age and daily emotional state of the children. Some of our activities are seasonal, such as we make something for Mother’s Day, Valentines days, etc. Regardless, we typically have a short circle time with the children 8 to 12 months and up lasting no more than around 20 minutes each day. This helps builds some predictability to the child’s day. We use this time to build simple sensory and cognitive skills (such as sights, sounds, colors, numbers, names and so on) and check on how each child is doing from needs standpoint (i.e. are they tired, cranky, sluggish or do they have excess energy; is there something they need to tell or share with us; are they excited and happy or is something bothering them, etc). The type of activity we do will depending on the emotional state of the children. For example, if the children are full of energy, we may put on some music and dance around. If someone has done something neat, like go to the zoo, we may talk about all the different animals at the zoo.
Some of the activities we typical do are as follows: story / book time, share time, dance / exercise, learning basics (colors, number, names, etc), painting & drawing, play cooking, playdoe, and
a variatiey of other arts and crafts.
Music Time
One to two times a week we bring in a Jamaroo Kids to conduct music class. The class helps children discover the joy of music. During class children will sing songs and have the opportunity to play with a variety of simple instruments, interact with puppets, use rhythm sticks, bean bags, streamers, and much more. For additional information on their program, please visit their website at
Rest Time
All children under the age of 5 really should have a rest period. We typically have a rest period or “nap” after our lunch hour between the hours of 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. No child is forced to sleep; however, they must remain quiet during this period. We discourages pickups and drop offs during this period time unless it is absolutely necessary in order to minimize the disruption to other children.
Piccolino provides breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks throughout the day. Children are always offered the food, but not forced to eat. Wherever possible, we seek to home cook most meals and use natural, hormone-free, non-processed foods that are locally sourced. We buy organic when possible. Most of our meals are designed to be well-balanced and include all the main food groups throughout the day.
For Infants, mothers need only provide breast milk until the child moves to formula and/or table food. We provide formula until age one or when table food is started. When infants are beginning table foods, we puree natural foods for them to eat. We never buy or use processed, jarred baby foods.
We understand many children have dietary restrictions due to allergies, religious beliefs and/or personal preferences. Should you wish to limit or forbid certain food items for any reason, we can usually accomindate for requests. Substitute meals or snacks can also be brought from home.
Communication is very important to us. When we accept a new family into our home, we like to be sure that we can share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. It’s important that we have similar childcare philosophies between us and support each other. We welcome questions, feedback or discussions of any kind that gives a positive outcome for the child. It is only through parent/provider interaction that a goal of quality, nurturing care can be achieved.
Once you are ready to enroll your child with us, please set up an appointment so we can best assist you. We will be glad to take the time to inform you about everything you need to know, including the relevant paperwork. You can make an appointment over the phone at (415) 454-1971 or by filling out our contact form. We always appreciate your visit!